Parents' and Citizens' (P&C) Association

What is P&C?

Established under the Education Act of 1999, P&C Associations are the forum for parents and guardians of children to get involved in their local school.

Our P&C exists to:

  • foster parent participation and involvement in the school
  • fundraise to support upgrading amenities and offer opportunities and resources which benefit all students
  • promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community

North Cottesloe P&C works in direct response to the needs of our school community, in accordance with guidelines established by the West Australian Council of State School Organisations (WACCSO).

An Annual General Meeting is convened early in the school year to elect the office bearers.

CLICK HERE to visit 'What is the NCPS P&C'

P&C Class Representatives

A wonderful initiative to help families stay connected and to welcome new families is via our class reps. Please contact the P&C to find out who the class rep is for your class or year level.

CLICK HERE to visit the Terms of Reference for Class Reps [V1 - effective 24 Feb 2023]

CLICK HERE to view the WhatsApp use Terms of Reference [V2 - effective 27 June 2024]

Become a P&C Member

To become a member of the North Cottesloe Primary School P&C, please complete the membership form and transfer $1 membership fee to P&C Account: BSB 036-034 Acct 552326. P&C Members are insured when volunteering on school grounds - whether coaching sport, volunteering in the canteen, or helping out in some other way.


All funds raised benefit students and are raised in 3 main ways;

  • voluntary annual contribution from parents. At North Cottesloe Primary we are fortunate that almost all parents are able to make this contribution;
  • major fundraising events during the year. Past events have included quiz nights, bingo nights and ‘Splash N Dash’ and;
  • small scale events throughout the school year.

Specific projects that have been funded by past P&Cs include:

  • the installation of solar panels
  • the installation of air-conditioning into all classrooms
  • the installation of the huge fan in the Under Cover Area
  • the installation of shade sails over playgrounds
  • the implementation of a whole-school approach to sustainability
  • the financial support for non-teaching staff, classroom and library resources
  • the management of the Canteen and
  • Nature Play Project 2020-2021


The P&C Association meet twice per school term in the staff room or library. Meeting dates are advertised in the school calendar and via Connect. Our P&C Committee encourages all parents to take an active involvement in the association. As outlined in our Constitution, membership is open to parents and guardians of children attending the school and to citizens being over the age of eighteen years who are interested in the work of the Association. 

Sporting Sub Committee

Requests for teams to use the facilities at NCPS will be considered, based on the information in this attachment - CLICK HERE. All requests are subject to approval by the Principal.

P&C Membership Form

P&C Funding Template

P&C Committee Report Template