School Board

The North Cottesloe Primary School Board’s role is to provide strategic guidance and monitoring of the school’s performance. It supports the school in increasing effective autonomy and flexibility to further improve the quality of the whole school program. The Board is integral in formulating and managing the school’s Business Plan and related budget, review of student performance and matters of school policy.

Members are elected for a maximum of 3 years and are elected from the staff, parent body, community and local business. The School Board operates separately to the P&C. The School Board meets at least twice a term. Additional meetings may be called as required. Meeting dates are advertised in the Term Planner and School Newsletter.

The School Board:

  • takes part in establishing and reviewing the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions;
  • takes part in the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions;
  • takes part in evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them; and
  • takes part in formulating codes of conduct for students at the school;
  • determines, in consultation with students, their parents and staff, a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school;
  • promotes the school in the community;
  • approves charges and contributions for the provision of certain materials, services and facilities
  • approves extra cost optional components of educational programs;
  • approves items to be supplied by a student for use in an educational program; and
  • approves any agreements or arrangements for advertising or sponsorship in relation to the school;
  • provides advice to the principal of the school on a general policy concerning the use of prayers, songs and material based on religious, spiritual or moral values in a school activity as part of religious education; and
  • provides advice on the implementation of special religious education under section 69(2) of the School Education Act;
  • with the approval of the Minister or the Director General, as the Minister’s delegate, take part in the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school principal or any other member of the teaching staff.

The Board doesn’t:

  • have a role in day-to-day school management. This is the responsibility of the Principal and involves educational leadership, and the effective day-to-day administration, supervision, control of the school and its staff.
  • discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents – these are management roles and therefore the responsibility of the Principal
  • represent specific interest groups or permit special interests to dominate the agenda of the Board
  • intervene in the educational instruction of students
  • performance manage the Principal or any other staff member.

Terms of Reference NCPS School Board
Education Department Board Information Pack

FAQ - School Boards

Board Minutes 2023:

Board minutes 14 March 2023

Board minutes 9 May 2023

Board minutes 6 June 2023

Board minutes 1 August 2023

Board minutes 31 October 2023

Board minutes 21 November 2023

Board Minutes 12 March 2024

Board Minutes 7 May 2024

Board Minutes 28 May 2024 TBC

Board Members

Board Chair - Justin Edwards

Jenn Allsop - Principal

James Fitzpatrick - Parent

Simon Lamplough - Parent

John Livingston - Parent

Helen Knowles - Parent

Cameron Pether - Staff

Jeanette Williams - Staff

Morgan Shaw - Staff